About Me

Movement has always intrigued me
I have always been fascinated with the human body
Having grown up playing sports I always valued being active and looking after my body. Movement has always intrigued me. I have spent the last decade immersed in rock climbing.
I admit my journey started selfishly as I wanted to learn how best to look after my body, while also pushing my limits in training, I wanted to ensure my athletic longevity. I wanted my body to feel good and move great. I didn’t accept that in order to get strong, you would have to put up with feeling and moving like crap.
Having suffered multiple bad injuries, from fracturing my neck to tearing ligaments in my ankle, damaging tendons in my shoulder and even dealing with sciatica, eventually set me on my journey to spending thousands of euros, and many years, travelling and studying with some of the leading minds in the rehab and strength & conditioning industry.
I was always curious on what the best rehab approaches are and how to
bridge the gap between rehab and performance
Blending aspects from the top minds I learned and mentored under, ranging from the most up to date manual therapy techniques, biomechanics, movement neurology, pain science, strength and conditioning and paying respect to the individual, gives the best path forward to help anyone. This has armed me with a diverse and wide tool box to tackle almost any injury, pain or training situation. My qualifications and certifications range from
Neuromuscular Physical Therapy to Pain Science, Movement Neurology and Strength & Conditioning.